Excelsior Collaborative General Meeting
Monthly meeting of the Excelsior Collaborative (on Zoom)
Picture by: Sunday Streets SF
Monthly meeting of the Excelsior Collaborative (on Zoom)
5th Annual
Jerry Day 2017
August 6th, 2017
Doors open at 11:00am
Show - 11:30am
Jerry Garcia Amphitheater
McLaren Park - San Francisco
45 John F. Shelley Drive
Excelsior District
San Francisco, CA 94112
Buy a tree to plant in the sidewalk in front of your house! Learn some bike repair skills! Reduce the carbon footprint in our neighborhood! December 3rd is the planting day.
Ocean Avenue between Alemany and Mission will be transformed into a free carnival with live music and lots of activities for the kids! Stop by when you're cruising Mission during Sunday Streets!
Visit communitywellsf.com to sign up for classes during this 2 day event. 9:00am to 3:00pm.
Visit the sidewalk outside the house where Jerry grew up to see this permanent memorial honoring Excelsior and San Francisco's most famous native son!
Come & Join us for a fun filled family event at Excelsior Park.There will be children's activities, entertainment, food vendors, raffles, & beautiful cars
Come out & enjoy your Neighborhood!
We are in need of Volunteers!
If you are willing to help out on this day please contact @Dianewunderlich our event coordinator at
Excelsior Collaborative Community Action Grant applications will be released, final applications are due to San Francisco Parks Alliance on 10/26 at 5:00pm.
The McLaren Park Collaborative was formed by several forward-thinking community leaders in early 2010 as a forum and support network to help the park’s neighbors and park groups discuss and resolve various issues. “The Collab”, as it is sometimes called, is informally consensus-based and welcomes anyone interested in the park, group-affiliated or not.
This friendly and effective park “umbrella group” is dedicated to finding common ground for positive change in San Francisco’s John McLaren Park. The Collaborative’s mission is to fully engage park neighbors, advocates and agencies in the park’s improvement and promotion, and to act as a clearinghouse for park information and activities. The Collaborative meets more or less monthly. For more information visit the Facebook page or Google Group, and explore the rest of this website.
Reviewed Each Meeting: Community updates from each attendee, Community Action Grants, District 11, and Koshland grant update.
January Business
Excelsior Festival/Sunday Streets
Excelsior Collaborative $10,000 Community Action Grant to be used for a community event.
Annual Retreat, February 17, 2016
Community Well is a welcoming center for individuals and families to connect with a network of diverse practitioners focused on supporting people with holistic wellness services.
Excelsior Collaborative Service Area
Click on Map to enlarge